Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Golang websockets (wss) and "OOP"

Golang is awesome. My 1st Language back in 1994 was C. Then the following year my Computer Science Dept. switched from C/Pascal to C++. I even like C++ but I like C more mainly because of nostalgia.

Enter Go. The Syntax for me is a mix between JSON, and C. I love it. I've created 3 new servers all doing a ton of TPS. What I would like to share with you is some GO code to that handels websockets

If you are building a server using websockets, over secure TCP your browser behaves slightly differently than a client side application using a websocket library. Specifically when working with wss (secure websockets) across domains.

Its up to the client to respect Origin, so a client implementing a websocket doesn't have to set the Origin Header, but your browser does. This is done on purpose and its a good thing. To get websockets to work over secure sockets, let's make our assumptions consistent and do not report Origin errors with On the fly overriding methods. The power of Go.

// going to override the handshakeserver := websocket.Server{
   Handshake:func(config *websocket.Config, req *http.Request) error {
      return nil;

above says override the method in the libararies (golang.org/x/net/websocket) with the supplied local function and return nil for error - which means all is good.

Anytime that ORIGIN is sent the server (non browser clients and even the browser doesn't have to do this) ignore the origin handshake

http.Handle(nsp.path, websocket.Handler(server.Handler));

Next we handle the websocket with the supplied handler in the server called nsp.handle. nsp.handle is a string of a function name that takes in a websocket connection. nsp.path means for a given http connected path execute the handler.

This is awesome. Everything works, but what is cooler is how GOLANG handles OOP. The term used in GOLANG is embedding, and changing the type or executed method (method overriding), thats called Shadowing

Here is an example

package main
import "datarepo"
type DataLayer struct {

////https://github.com/luciotato/golang-notes/blob/master/OOP.md#golang-embedding-is-akin-to-multiple-inheritance-with-non-virtual-methods//func NewDataLayer(subject string, class string ) DataLayer {

   ret := DataLayer{ datarepo.DataRepoAccess{Subject: subject, Classof: class}}
   return ret;


//// wrapper method to add in an counter//func(dl *DataLayer) Execute() ([]byte, error){ // shadowed   Reporter.increment("api_layer_cmd", 1)
   var base = dl.DataRepoAccess;
   return base.Execute()

DataLayer is a Wrapper Design Pattern Around datarepo.DataRepoAccess a structure I wrote that handles talking to the backend. datarepo.DataRepoAccess has a method called Execute. In the example above Execute is "Shadowed" or overridden. This new method counts the number of times the base class is called.

These months of coding go has been so much fun. I love learning new things but also getting my work done on time. Go enables me to do both. The analogy that I can compare learning go to is like learning to SnowBoard. In the beginning it's like getting your ass smacked with a cold wet shovel but once you get it you got it.

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